He has worked with leading academics in parapsychology both as a research psychic and a field investigator. As an authority on psychic development and extrasensory perception, the following ideas are meant to assist you in your psychic development.
People who identify as psychic are prone to a variety of challenges related to during and psychic development. Issues that predate psychic study but that are often exaggerated by improper Psychic development. In private coaching sessions, Jack skillfully addresses these concerns based on all of his training and experience working professionally as a psychic. Responsible Psychic development takes time – sometimes years. Natural ability does not mean one is proficiently skilled in terms of being able to wield extrasensory perception in a manner that ensures stable relationships with self and others.
Psychic Development is a Commitment to Self Mastery
A good portion of psychic development should include developing your authentic character separate from psychic functioning. This means opening yourself to being vulnerable to life as it actually is without relying on ESP to cope or bolster your identity. You must learn to sit mentally still and physically present in your body so that you can become familiar and friendly with who you genuinely are without escaping into extrasensory imaginings.
It is easy to impress people with paranormal powers. It is easier still to unknowingly solicit praise by feigning emotional depth through engaging in metaphysical sentimentality.
Emotionally mature, fully developed psychics do not feel compelled to cheer a client up. In contrast, poorly trained, emotionally intolerant psychics routinely seek to uplift or tell their clients how they should feel without first exploring whether or not negative emotions are warranted.
Therefore, a true and skilled psychic is emotionally strong in their sensitivity but wise in how she applies her craft. He or she is a master of emotional nuance. And as such, a good psychic can create a safe place for their client to experience the heights of joy and the depths of their sorrow without using their client’s feelings to validate their psychic identity.
Extrasensory perception is a gift that is best given away. A mature psychic speaks the truth while she or he skillfully supports the client to be and feel as they are.
The thoughts on this page are only a few aspects of working with psychic ability. You will notice the ideas shared here revolve around how psychic perception impacts your relationship with your client and yourself. This is because extrasensory perception is a method for serving others. It is not a path of spiritual development and personal unfolding. This point cannot be underscored enough.
Finally, when undergoing psychic development it is important to remain open-minded, not just about the existence of paranormal phenomena. One should also remain open to seeing and feeling themselves other than how one prefers to imagine. A psychic coach can be helpful with this. Always remember that being psychic is not a lifestyle. It is a service performed. A gift that can only be appreciated only when given away with love.
To learn more about Jack’s philosophy or to gain insight on your extrasensory capabilities email us today for an appointment.
“I just want to thank you so much for the reading you gave to me last night. It has been a long time since I have experienced someone with the high profile you have that is humble and real…and truly dedicated to service. You made me feel like a respected colleague versus a client. Thank you!”
Currently, there are no ESP workshops on Jack’s calendar. However, you will find Jack’s best-selling book The Rational Psychic™ an invaluable resource for psychic development. The Rational Psychic™ explains why ESP is real and what the real-world causes for “natural” extrasensory perception
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