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Terms of Service

Terms of Service

Before we embark on a transformative journey together, familiarize yourself with our policies and terms of service are outlined below. These are designed to foster a respectful, collaborative environment by clarifying our spiritual therapeutic partnership.

The sole purpose of our service is to help you. This means that, Unlike a conventional psychic reading, the service fee you pay when booking an appointment here is not the purchase of predictions, medical diagnoses, or demonstrations of psychic ability. The money paid when scheduling with us is compensation for our operating expenses and the time spent caring for you before, during, and after your appointment. You are not buying a product or an outcome when you engage with our service. You are investing time in yourself by participating in Mr. Rourke’s proven client-focused extrasensory process as per the exact psychic methods, philosophies, and spiritual purposes outlined on this website. Everything we do is organized specifically to help you. It is your responsibility to research and validate, and then decide if the information supplied during your appointment is right for you.

Consulting with a psychic Jack Rourke is not just about acquiring extrasensory information. Our service is offered to support you in taking charge of your life path by fostering a profound understanding of yourself, the spiritual nature of relational reality, and others to secure lasting transformation. As we walk the spiritual path together, we must be aligned operationally to ensure a smooth and effective process.

Herein you will find important details about our appointment policies and payment terms. These guidelines are implemented to safeguard the integrity of our business services and the efficacy of the professional psychic process for both the client and the practitioner.

Although Mr. Rourke is a studied and internationally recognized psychic expert with a proven track record of helping people, satisfaction is not guaranteed. Results will vary. Clients are required to enter their session how they would with any mainstream professional whose job is to confidentially help them. This means being transparent about why you made an appointment and the help you seek.

Always consult a medical doctor for health concerns, an attorney or law enforcement professional for legal problems, and a psychological counselor for resolving interpersonal problems. A psychic is never a substitute for the care of a physician, veterinary, psychological counselor, or any state-licensed professional practitioner. Please note our full terms and conditions below. These are subject to change without notice.



Please respect Mr. Rourke’s time. Do not consume ANY recreational intoxicants before or during your appointment. You forfeit your session fee and you will be banned from future service for being intoxicated, incoherent, or unable to meaningfully participate in your session due to substance abuse. Since our service is not entertainment it is not for everyone. You may learn more about who our service is not for here. Continue reading below to learn more about ou terms of service.

I. Experience has shown that eliminating distractions and teaching clients how we work uniquely, creates a more intimate and safe space where clients can successfully explore and overcome their vulnerabilities. Our terms and conditions are designed to eliminate client interference with the psychic process and create a calm environment that is most conducive for extrasensory perception in the manner that Mr. Rourke provides it. Of additional importance, our privacy policies are meant to reassure the many public figures and agencies that do business through our office that their needs are met with absolute discretion. So for these reasons, please note that:

  1. Every appointment is strictly formatted and executed in accordance with Mr. Rourke’s client-focused methods and philosophy for the sole purpose of helping clients with their specific questions and concerns.
  2. Times for 30 and 60-minute sessions vary. Maximum durations often exceed the 40 and 75 minutes advertised
  3. Recording devices are prohibited. We encourage you to take notes.
  4. Jack is not a pet psychic. Nor does he deal with ghosts or “talk” to spirits by request.
  5. All telephone clients must be able to receive blocked calls. Our office number is private.
  6. We only call domestic clients. Clients located outside the continental U.S. will receive a temporary telephone number to call on the day of their appointment. Canadians will call our Toronto office line
  7. Appointments are always private and one-on-one.  You are required to be in a calm quiet place conducive for a private conversation at the time of your appointment. Appointments are not conducted while driving. You cannot be walking down the street. Not on the beach. You may not have anyone listening in on your session. Their presence offers an alternate information stream which can create an unnecessary distraction during your session.
  8. Requests for assistance with an open criminal or missing person case must be made in writing by the agency handling the investigation. For legal liability reasons, no personal requests for assistance with these matters can be accepted.
  9. Great care is taken when setting your appointment. The time allotted for your session is set aside just for you. Our daily schedule includes clients from a variety of time zones across North America and Beyond. This limits our ability to accommodate last-minute bookings and changes. Please remember while we do our very best to serve you, we are also giving this same attention to many others.
  10. In the exceedingly rare instance of dissatisfaction, the remedy is a makeup session with Jack to add additional clarity. There are no refunds for executed appointments.
  11. Predictions are a metric for how your energy is aligned at the time of your psychic reading. Predictions are used to guide and inform you. Your circumstances will change based on your decisions, emotional disposition, habits, perception, and or lack of value-adding action.
  12. Medical intuitive information is only for assisting you to foster a more meaningful conversation with your Medical Doctor. Medical intuition is never a diagnosis. We do not treat, prescribe, or advise how to care for your health. All medical intuitive information is always your responsibility to verify with your credentialed medical professional.
  13. We do not offer any service via video conferencing. A session with Jack is not a metaphysical performance.  While Jack is working he sits in a dark room wearing an earplug and a headset. He works this way to induce as much of a sensory-deprived state as possible. This allows him to focus solely on his internal process. The light, sound, and movement from video conferencing can be an overstimulating distraction that inhibits deeper psi functioning. For this reason, Jack never video chats.
  14. You alone are responsible for how you interpret your psychic appointment and the message shared with you during that time. You are required to verify and evaluate all information and then decide what is best for you. If you need assistance with your decision making contact a qualified expert.
  15. You alone are required to make every decision in your life to ensure that you actively participate in your life. You alone are accountable for each and every outcome.
  16. Do not sit back and wait for life to happen based on what any psychic tells you. This is wrong. It is a failure to use the information supplied to you for decision-making. And, it is a way to blame someone else for your life. You alone are responsible for creating your life.
  17. Psychic Readings Los Angeles is a client-focused™ helping service which means you, neither the beyond nor the future will be the focus of your appointment. You are required to have questions prepared in advance and enter into your appointment as you would with any mainstream professional whose job is to confidentially help you. This means being candid about why your appointment was made and the help you are seeking. You are required to defer to Mr. Rourke’s expertise and meaningfully participate in his process.
  18. Service is one on one only. We do not schedule pairs or groups. Since our service is a very personal helping service, it is not intended to be contrasted and compared against a companion’s experience. We also do not permit people to listen in.

II. Cancellation policy: There are a limited number of readings Jack can safely perform in a week. The time allotted for your telephone appointment is set aside just for you. Last-minute cancellations make it difficult for us to fill your vacated session and thus meet our financial responsibilities. (payroll, paying vendors and contractors, etc) For this reason, we have implemented the following cancelation policies.

1. NO-Show: Your appointment is set aside just for you. Failure to call at your appointed time or pick up your telephone at your designated appointment time is considered a no-show. No-shows result in the forfeiture of your session fee. No-show appointments are also non-transferable and not eligible for re-schedule. No exceptions.

2. Executed appointments are non-refundable. There are no exceptions. We state very clearly that it is not Jack’s job to conform to your expectations. Nor will he bend to how you think he should be as a psychic. We explain precisely what to expect during your session and how Jack works on our website and in your scheduling emails so you can make informed decisions about whether to schedule. If for some reason you are unhappy with your appointment we are committed to supplying you with additional clarification about your session. Please email Elizabeth and she will coordinate clarification which may include a follow-up conversation. Follow-up conversations are not a “reading”. They are clarification for what was aid during your appointment.

3. To cancel or request a rescheduling of your appointment simply submit an email. For cancellation, please type “CANCELLATION” in the subject line of your email. To reschedule, request via email 48 hours before your session with “Reschedule” in the subject line and we will happily accommodate you. However please note: all reschedules are conditional and absolutely non-refundable. 

There is no same-day last-minute reschedule requests accepted. Last-minute is defined as within 24 hours of your appointment. If you are within 24 hours of your appointment or reach out overnight the day of your session and you request a reschedule or cancelation your session fee is forfeited. If it is determined it is appropriate to grant a last-minute reschedule this courtesy is subject to a minimum surcharge of $150.00 for standard appointments and up to $250 for comprehensive plus appointments. If a reschedule is granted there will be a balance due for the new appointment. This balance must be paid at the time of the rescheduling or your entire session fee is forfeited.

If you cancel your appointment within 48 hours of your appointment a $150 admin fee will be applied. Within 24 hours of your scheduled session, you are forfeiting 100% of your session fee. The timestamp issued by your email service provider is the final word as to when you canceled your appointment.

4. There are no refunds for re-scheduled appointments because by vacating your previous appointment we lost revenue from that timeslot. Refunding a reschedule is equal to losing revenue from two appointments. We cannot afford this as a small business. Limit one re-schedule per appointment.

5. All cancellations are also subject to the applicable bank fee to cover the non-refundable merchant processing fees we pay when accepting your appointment. Admin fees are as follows:

  • thirty-minute appointment –  $10.00,
  • One-hour appointment – $15.00
  • 90-minute appointment – $19.00
  • 120-minute appointment $25.00.

* When making a timely cancelation per our policies, you will be refunded your entire session price minus the above bank fee. You will never be charged a bank fee or a cancelation fee if you abide by our policies.*

III. Legal Disclaimer

Legal Disclaimer: This service is intended for use by adults 21 years of age or older. It is your responsibility to decide if any information shared during your session is valid and useful. Always consult a physician for medical concerns, a qualified therapist for personal and relationship struggles, and an attorney for legal or business matters. By your use of this website, you confirm that you are at least 18 years old. This website and its creators make no representations or warranties, either expressed or implied, concerning the accuracy, relevancy, or quality of the information provided. We do not assume and hereby disclaim any liability to any person or entity for any loss or damages (including, without limitation, physical, mental, financial, special, indirect, incidental, or consequential) caused with regard to any information and or any suggestion(s) or advice provided to you through this service – or as a result of your use of this service. By using the services advertised on this website you understand you are only purchasing conversation time with a psychic. Your satisfaction is not guaranteed. It is not the psychic’s job to tell you what you want or expect to hear. Please consult a medical doctor for health concerns, an attorney or law enforcement professional for legal problems, and a psychological counselor for resolving interpersonal problems. A psychic is never a substitute for the care of a physician, veterinary, psychological counselor, or any state-licensed professional practitioner. Also, no information shared during a psychic session is ever a substitute for your good judgment. Neither Jack Rourke nor any person or agency associated with the services advertised on this website are responsible for any decisions you make as a result of your psychic consultation. You alone are responsible for all actions and beliefs resulting directly or indirectly from your psychic reading.

IV. Medical Intuition Disclaimer

DISCLAIMER: Jack Rourke is not a medical doctor. Nor does he practice medicine. He does not diagnose, cure, heal, treat disease, or otherwise prescribe medication. He identifies anatomical information about your anatomy to the best of his ability using extrasensory perception and then communicates this information to you so you’re better prepared to collaborate with your physician and make decisions concerning your care. 

All of Jack’s methods are spiritually based. The limits of his service are spiritually assisting with energetic imbalances underlying the physical body. This kind of spiritual support can help release one’s innate healing ability. When the energy body is balanced and moving correctly, the physical body’s innate natural energy heals itself. All healing is self-healing.

Energy healing and medical intuition is not a method for diagnosing, treating, curing, or preventing any disease or psychological disorder – nor should it be used as a substitute for medical care or psychological treatment. All clients are required to continue to see their regular medical professionals and only follow their advice. Spiritual energy work is not a substitute for conventional medical diagnosis or treatment for any medical or psychological condition by an accredited medical professional. Always seek a properly licensed physician or healthcare professional for all health problems.

Medical intuition and Spiritual energy sessions help many people but they do not always work for everyone. The personal stories/testimonials on this website are experiences as described by actual clients. Their outcomes do not constitute a warranty, guarantee, or prediction that you will benefit in the same or similar manner.

V. Terms of service, as well as all policies and procedures, can change without notice. By paying for your appointment you acknowledge you have read all of our terms and conditions and that you agree to be bound by them. You also agree that you hereby indemnify and hold harmless Jack Rourke, his employees, and his representatives.  All terms are subject to change without notice.

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