Psychic Readings & Metaphysical Thinking
If you’re a psychic who works with the public it’s critical you understand there’s a difference between psychic readings & metaphysical thinking. Metaphysical thinking (for the purposes of this article) means using theosophical concepts to solve or explain your client’s challenges in place of actual ESP.
I’ll concede there’s an extrasensory aspect to inspired rhetoric. In fact, it would be impossible for me to calculate how many times I’ve said to a client, “I don’t know why I’m saying this but…” – and then that peice of information ends up being thse most meaningful and spot on part of our session. However, when psychic readings are confused with simply sharing metaphsycial concepts under the guise of psychic perception both you and the client are missing out.
Since fundamentally ESP is a mental ability, practicing it puts us at risk of intellectualizing and relying on what’s stored in our brains rather than verbalizing the soft whispers echoing from externity. Tarot readers and mental mediums are especially at risk for operating purely from the neck up.
If you are somatically attuned you’ll find a wealth of data passing through your felt experience. For me, such information offers insight into my client’s medical conditions past and present. Moreover, how I relate to and experience my body during a reading can communicate the emotional disposition of my client. A skilled reader uses a variety of sources for the psychic impressions they share. Working with your client you can then direct your awareness into those areas that are most meaningful for them rather than using their session time as a performance peice that inflates your “spiritual identity”.
When you as a psychic seer fail to connect with your own underlying experience you’re more at risk for relying on metaphsycial thinking in order to demonstrate your mysticality. But people visit psychics for foresight. They also want, among other things, guidance on private issues that are personally important to them. Mental platitudes and recycled metaphsyical “truths” are not spiritually healing. In fact, any relief caused by persuading clients with belief systems can actually be harmful. How? By helping them avoid their actual emotions and real circumstances as they actually are.
“A good psychic should cut through illusion, not create it using mystical concepts”.
-Jack Rourke
Being a professional psychic is a commitment to getting real
When I was a young psychic I often found myself uncomfortable during moments of quiet when working with clients. I felt I should be doing something. During pauses I feared losing control of the session and appearing just as Jack rather than a mystic of some sort. With age and the increased ability to be with the stillness within my own being though, I matured. I became capable of not only sharing stillness with my clients but also providing stillness as a form of support when they are feeling off balance.
During psychic readings quiet moments can be powerful. Stillness is like the calm between musical beats – empty space that elicits powerful emotion. Noticing emotion emerges, however, has revealed how many psychics fill quiet moments with metaphysical chatter -what spiritualists call “bridging”.
When not looking at psychic service as a performance that requires “bridging” in order to hold an audiences attention, this is another reason senstives fill over emotional pauses. Psychics toned to be rescuers. I’ve noticed repeatedly how colleagues appear compelled to talk when there’s quiet or clients become emotional during a reading. The struggle to fill the air with metaphsycial hyperbole is as if they’re trying to drown out the defeaning stillness supporting the emotion of the moment. In extreme cases of emotional avoidance I’ve even see clairvoyants start channeling guides and deceased loved ones supposedly to make their client feel better. But who are we to determine what is better? In my view when a psychic splits from the emotion their client is contributing to the session they are abandoning their client by retreating inward to a personally safe place.
Emotional avoidance
These days far too many psychics are like clanging symbols unconsciously soliciting praise. Others sound like carnival barkers calling out information with the skill of an auctioneer. ESP from this author’s perspective should feel more like an offering of healing love than a request for attention. Psychics who speed talk, speaking incessantly while spewing facts they cannot logically know, are popularly viewed as amazing and especially gifted. I know because when I was young I worked this way. It earned me considerable opportunity and praise. But those who channel continuously are not present with you. Nor are they listening to your needs. More to the point, psychic practicioners fixated on only supplying messages from ‘spirit’ can also, as I indicated above, be employing an unconscious strategy for personally avoiding the distressing feelings their clients are seeking assistance with.
Ironically highly senstive people who identify as psychic can be masters at avoiding honest emotion. This is especially true for people who report being “naturally psychic”. These are those who claim a god given ability, or who report being blessed with a special knowing that stretches all the way back in time to childhood.
There isn’t room enough here to thoroughly explain why natural psychic ability isn’t necessarily divine or inborn. For now though, understand that the reason many psychics inadvertently avoid genuine emotion with clients is because their ESP is itself a mental by-productive of avoiding emotional stress.
“Good psychics do not make client’s feel better by offering their abilities as an uplifting distraction. Truly good psychics help you find your internal ground. They use their intuitive skills to awaken you to the innate wisdom within your felt experience.“
When awareness retreats from the body into imagination, reality is observed rather than truly lived. From this vantage point emotions are dramaticized, projected, improperly personalized, distorted, exagerrated and yet, seldom are they somatically felt. Our emotions, under these circumstances stop informing us of the subtle truths that make our humanhood valuable and tangible.
When we stop listening to our eharts we become less human and more paranormal in mindset. Repress fear and anger and they become demonic. Conversely, when we fail to accept and truly value who we are we crave a soul mate to magically supply the love we need. Both of these concepts are products of magical thinking. No good psychic should encuorage such nonsense. Instead we should endevaor to gently help our clients reconnect with the infinite spiritual source within.
Spiritual progress
Practicing psychic perception is not a form of personal spiritual development. Spiritual growth begins when we stop looking literally outside of ourselves or figuratively within the confines of mental phneomena.
Divinity is a felt experience. So the foundation for spiritual growth is emotional awareness.
Emotional awareness includes the ability to accurately identify, tolerate, mirror and process the many rich felt experiences available to us each and every day. Since the psychic personality is itself a defensive structure it can be challenging for seers to develop and sustain the genuine open heartedness required for truly feeling and acheiving spiritual growth. As an aspiring psychic, however, emotional and spiritual growth is your responsibility. Especially if you’re working with the public.
So in closing, remember, spiritually maturing as a psychic requires first letting go of metaphsycial thinking and the ideologies you use to shore up your mystical identity. Then, once you’re comfortable living in harmony with reality as it is, you can most effectively use your ESP for seeing beyond how your clients have been conditioned to view their world. This is true clairvoyance.