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life coaching

What Does A Life Coach Do? 5 Things You Should Know

Have you ever considered life coaching in Los Angeles? A life coach is a professional who helps people maximize their potential in life. Life coaches do not tell people what to do, and they don’t offer any diagnoses. Instead, they work with their clients to set and attain goals that align with their life purpose. Furthermore, life coaches can identify what barriers are coming in the way of you and your goals. 

To help you decide if life coaching is right for you, here are five important things to know. 

1. Life coaching is different from therapy. 

Many people benefit from working with a therapist because these professionals help them explore and process things from the past. Therapists also use evidence-based therapies to help clients achieve and maintain good mental health. 

Life coaches, on the other hand, work with people who already have good mental health but need some help navigating their goals. Coaches do not diagnose or treat mental disorders, and they typically work on issues related to the present. However, they can identify issues from the past that are holding you back. 

2. The number one reason why people hire life coaches is “stuckness.” 

“Stuckness” may not be a human condition, but it’s one that we can all relate to. As one of the most trusted life coaches, Jack Rourke frequently works with people who feel stuck in their lives. They are looking for a solution to a specific problem such as: 

  • Changing careers
  • Getting over a breakup
  • Starting a new relationship
  • Exploring life purpose 
  • Improving fitness and health
  • Starting or scaling a business

3. Life coaches have different specialties.

As you do your research, you’ll notice that life coaches tend to have areas of specialization. This can be an important feature if you’re looking for something specific, such as advice for love and relationships or health and fitness. If there are a number of areas in your life you’re looking to improve, you can always choose a generalist. 

Jack Rourke, life coach in Los Angeles, specializes in the following areas: 

  • Love and relationships
  • Medical intuition 
  • Spiritual coaching
  • Psychic detective 
  • Career readings 

4. Studies show that life coaching in Los Angeles is beneficial. 

Not only do people report subjective benefits, but also studies show that life coaching in Los Angeles can be beneficial in a number of areas. For example, one study found that both individual and group coaching was helpful in reducing procrastination and reaching goals. Other studies show that life coaching improves self-efficacy and self-empowerment. 

5. Each life coach has a different approach. 

When it comes to choosing a life coach, it’s important to pick someone who will empower and uplift you. Each life coach is different and will have a unique view of the problem and its solutions. 

Look for a coach who is suited to working with your personality type and the ways you handle your problems. Otherwise, you may feel conflicted having to handle things in ways that make you uncomfortable. Also ask how the life coach conducts their meetings, as some do them in person, over the phone or through video conferencing. 

Jack Rourke is one of the best life coaches in Los Angeles. All life coaching sessions are conducted over the phone for your convenience. Book your session today and maximize your potential. 

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